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Breakfast of Champions - A Reimagining

Syrup - particularly delicious on breakfast foods . We all have mornings where we wake up, and have nothing for breakfast, or don't want to make any. So, we resort to the pizza we ordered last night (or the night before), or perhaps a birthday cake from a couple days ago. Maybe this is once in awhile, for a day, or even a few days in a row. This breakfast of champions is not such a tragedy as some imagine it to be. Breakfast of Champions is an event they had at my old high school every semester for students who had achieved something; this is not necessarily something academic: In fact, it was preferable that this was the quiet student in the back of the class who works so hard but doesn’t get recognized because it’s not 80%. Teachers would choose one student from a class of theirs to have breakfast with. That student, and the teachers, would get up and get to school early. They got to have breakfast though, the most important meal of the day. The meal to get you

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